In the context of the research project "Gender in bachelor and master courses – integrate women's and gender studies into the curriculum" the Women's and Gender Research Network NRW developed a model database including 55 subjects and each gender curricula. The contents are updated regularly. Further recommendations for improvement concerning gender-equitable curricula in your discipline are welcome. Overview of the gender curricula
Various gender experts helped to create the gender curricula section. There, study programmes are evaluated under a gender perspective and assessed with regard to gender specific contents of gender studies in its curricula. Contact experts of your discipline – Networking and exchange is desired!
In which way can the Bologna-Process play a vital part in increasing the gender justice of higher education institutions? How can findings of the Gender Studies be implemented into modularised study and teaching content, by accrediting two-cycle study programmes? Those were the two central initial questions that led to the study of the Women’s & Gender Research Network NRW. A „more“ of gender equality in science and education is enabled by a „more“ of gender knowledge. You can find an english article about the findings of the Study by Beate Kortendiek in the book "From gender studies to gender IN studies: case studies on gender-inclusive curriculum in higher education" (pp. 211-228). Article | Download